New york Long Island pond design company
Long island NY and NYC indoor fountain design
New york Long Island pond design company
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Natural Angle Pond and Garden home
CompanyCustom indoor water fountainsServicespond maintainance, cleanups, pond servicing, garden decor, garden designInfo-basebirds, insects, native fish, racoons, squirrelsDownloads Office plants, indoor fountain builder, contact us
Wildlife Habitat Creation

Watching animals and living creatures interact with nature is one of the most thrilling past times we have. It can calm your mind and relax your senses. Or excite your thoughts and race your heart! The wonders of nature can empower you, and bring out the natural curiosity in all of us. Having all that happen within your own yard and property, is truly a special experience!

Build your Backyard Wildlife Habitat with Natural Angle, and join Natural Angle's Wildlife Sanctuary Certificaion Program (NAWSCP)!


We create wildlife living spaces, as well as prepare your garden to support
the abundance of natural wildlife available! From creating safe havens and homes, to providing necessities for animals to thrive. We take great care and joy in providing
this service, and make sure your garden becomes an inviting place for all God's creatures.

Building a safe heaven for animals has never been more important...
Creating a wildlife habitat is not only pleasurable, it enhances the lives of animals who's living spaces are being stripped away for large townhouse complexes, condominiums, and shopping centers. Join the brigade against over development by creating your own Backyard Wildlife Habitat with Natural Angle.

We create: Theme Gardens, Fountains, Wooden Bridges, Bird Houses, Bird Feeders, Decks, Lighting, Benches, and more!